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Testimonials from my clients:

“My therapy process with Gökçe has been extremely impactful. She is the true embodiment of the work that she does. She is brilliant and wise with a powerful presence. She has helped me a lot in a short amount of time. As a C-suite executive in tech, I used to work long hours feeling stuck, tired, and burnt out at the time I decided to work with her. Within a couple of months, I have managed to get out of my head with a newfound sense of energy and motivation in my life. I cannot thank her enough. I highly recommend Gökçe to anyone who would like to overcome what's holding them back in life - including themselves. She is definitely the kind of professional you would want in your corner.”

“I highly recommend working with Gökçe, especially for those in the technology and financial industries. Before our sessions, I was having a hard time separating my personal and professional relationships in these high-stress fields. However, with Gökçe's help, I was able to better differentiate between my family, friends, and business. One of the things I appreciated most about Gökçe was her understanding and non-judgmental approach. She was always supportive and never judged me for my struggles. She is truly dedicated to helping her clients succeed and I would suggest working with her to anyone in these industries looking for guidance and support.”

"Since starting therapy with Gökçe, my life has transformed in ways I never thought was possible. I now have a profound sense of self-awareness, knowing exactly what I want and need, and living my life accordingly. Every aspect of my life has improved, and I feel happier and more at peace than ever before. Previously, I struggled to regulate my emotions and doubted my ability to make progress, but she has guided me on a path of self-discovery that exceeded my expectations. What I appreciate the most about my therapy experience is her remarkable ability to observe and analyze. Even the seemingly random words I say during sessions become significant due to her attention to detail and experience. She has helped me realize the profound impact of things I had never considered before, yet that greatly affect my life. Working with her has been transformative, and I am grateful for the invaluable insights and support she provides on my journey toward personal growth and fulfillment."


"I have been so honored and grateful to work with Gökçe. She is an absolute light and has made me feel so safe and at ease during our sessions together. She knows how to bring a lightness to this deep work and has helped me reach a place of deeper healing with my wounds, a place I have always wanted to get to and had managed to mentally but now I am finally energetically free from! Thank you for being such a beautiful, kind, and powerful soul."

“The transformation I've experienced since working with you seems like a miracle. I used to not be able to get myself out of bed for several days in a row and doubt my competency at work nearly every day. The weight of it all has been lifted. I now wake up feeling very well, can focus on my business, am slowly getting back to my routines, and feel proud of the work that I do. What I appreciate the most about you is that you help me see myself through a kinder and more loving lens while strengthening me all along the way. It always feels great talking to you and expressing myself however I want to. Thank you very much! Frankly, I am both very happy and surprised to see the effect of therapy to such a degree.”

“After long years of being active in academia as a counselor, it was a really difficult decision for me to be in the position of the client for the first time. I met Gökçe Bulgan through a referral from a friend, whom I trust her academic knowledge and connections. Starting from our very first session with Gökçe, I asked myself, 'How in the world did I get by for so long without such a supportive professional by my side?' What inspired me to say this was much more than getting into this process for the first time. It was more about working together with a counselor who truly loved and respected her job, and was able to communicate this to me on a deep level. Our counselor-client relationship has provided me with solid transformation and insight, and is continuing to do so.”

"Gökçe is truly gifted at what she does, she helped me overcome more than I could have ever imagined. During the time I worked with her, I had the opportunity to discover my potential and my values, understand and process my traumas, learn to believe in, love, and care for myself. I find Gökçe very genuine, especially for the questions she asked and the way she walked me through our sessions. She looks for new ways, does research and enriches her profession at all times, which brings great energy to the sessions. I am very thankful for the work that we did together, and I highly recommend her consultation.”

"I am very lucky to have worked with Gökçe Bulgan. She listened to what I’ve shared in the sessions with wholeheartedness and presence of mind. Therefore, always with me was this person who I knew cared about me and would never judge me. This made me feel safe. Through our process together, my perception of my body, my communication skills, the love and respect I have for myself, my perspective on life and other people have completely changed and developed. I highly recommend Gökçe to anyone looking for a counselor. I also would like to thank her for her professionalism.”

"Every human being encounters with some problems in their lives. Sometimes they can’t look and evaluate these in an objective manner, and in order to get out of the complexity they are in, they need a third person whose knowledge and opinions they respect. In this sense, I can say that working with Gökçe has changed my life completely.

I started working with Gökçe Bulgan with my best friend’s advice. Beyond being a guide to me, she reminded me once again that I was better acquainted with myself, that I was more confident in myself, and most importantly, that we could change ourselves but not other people. She enabled me to look at life from a different perspective.

By letting me face my fears and myself, I became a more fearless and self-confident individual. She was always there while I was facing myself, and I have never felt alone in this process. I knew that if I fell mentally, I had a guide to lift me up. While I was asking myself ‘How can I trust people after all?’, Gökçe reminded me of what trust is, with the presence and support of hers.

The best thing was that during the 7 months we worked together, she never tried to impose her opinion on me, she made me question myself with the questions she asked and I developed myself accordingly. I always felt that I was enlightened after each session. In short, she gave back my lost self.

She has always been more than a psychologist for me, she is my guide. Even though we are not working anymore, I know she will be there for me when I need her. I would like to thank her so much for everything. If you are ready to face yourself and live a better life, for sure Gökçe Bulgan will help you.”

"The turning point of my life was the day that I started working with Gökçe. My outlook on life has changed, I learned to cope with my traumas, and most importantly, I learned to love myself. Gökçe has a genuine and strong presence. I felt stronger and happier after each session, and felt that I was working with the right professional who really understood me. I used to wait for our next session impatiently, because I could see that I had become a happier person who knew herself better day by day. This was strengthening me. Honestly, I am happy to have worked with Gökçe and I would like to thank her very much.”

"I started working with Gökçe Bulgan at a time that I did not know what I wanted for my life and felt very vulnerable emotionally. I was very hopeless before starting therapy; I used to get so anxious thinking about my future and carried away by negative thoughts. The things I needed to do seemed meaningless and as a huge burden. I wanted to escape, but things got more difficult the more I procrastinated. I learned that I didn’t always have to take radical and huge steps to give direction to my life; I saw that one could come a long way by taking small steps as well. Thanks to Gökçe Bulgan, I’ve come to accept my life with all its ups and downs. Looking at things from where I stand today, I realize that my perspective has changed so much so that I live a completely different life within the same world. I now can live in the flow of my life without panicking about what to do with each problem I face. Most importantly, when I think about my future with all its uncertainty, I don’t worry anymore. I think to myself ‘Let’s see what surprises life has for me,’ and my enthusiasm and excitement for life increases each day.”

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“My journey with Gökçe helped me to restore myself in a major milestone of my life. Then supported me to be able to grow to live my life in the best possible way. She provided me the confidence I needed to share the things that appeared unspeakable before.”

“Thanks to you, I started to powerfully express myself again and make decisions by valuing myself. I can cope with my problems now. You’ve helped me overcome the most difficult days of my life. I now take steps to fulfill my future goals and do things that I wanted to do for years. Thank you for everything.”

“After the adversities I’ve been through, my sessions with Gökçe Bulgan brought a whole new perspective to my life. I now not only live my life, but I feel it with each breath I take. I would like to thank this magnificent human being, who has helped me value myself and always been by my side through my process of making peace with life.”

“With her strong background and non-compromising discipline and stand, Gökçe Bulgan has supported me in realizing and correctly positioning the cornerstones of my life. I would like to thank her very much for turning this process into a journey that I got to know myself better and had become a well-balanced and self-aware individual.”

"Working with you was a major decision I made at a critical phase of my life. At a point where I did not feel well mentally, you helped me make the right decisions for myself and have been a person who significantly contributed to my personal development.

We worked on the areas where my success was blocked and little by little they improved. Instead of feeling dissatisfied, I felt fulfilled; like I was focusing on what really mattered. I would like to thank you for everything.”

"I reached Gökçe Bulgan through the reference of someone I respect and trust when I moved to Istanbul and started university. We had very useful sessions with Gökçe. You don’t have to have a big problem or a mental disorder to benefit from Gökçe's expertise, she is an expert in the areas of personal development and mental health. Coming from a remote part of Anatolia, Gökçe has helped me a lot during my adjustment process to Istanbul’s turmoil, overcoming my individual problems and much more. I feel very happy to have the chance to express my gratitude to her through this testimonial :)”

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